Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Church Cookbook, Part II

So I had another Drama Drama weekend (been having a lot of those lately) and did not update Tuesday. Instead you get another Wednesday Recipe.



      6 T. butter, melted
      6 T. flour
      1 tsp. salt
      1/8 tsp. pepper
      2 c. milk
      1 can tuna

      Into melted butter, blend flour, salt, and pepper. Cook over low heat until smooth and bubbly. Remove from heat, and stir in milk; stir until thickened. Add tuna and serve over biscuits.

This recipe is actually from my Grammy. She still makes it occasionally. We had this a lot in my parents' house growing up because it is super super cheap. It is actually not too terrible a dish, just not good. It is one of the strangest meals I have ever eaten--probably because it is very bland and very tuna-y at the same time. If you should desire to recreate this dish at home, DO NOT put as much salt in as the recipe directs. You may also have better results if you stir the milk into the flour paste over low heat until it thickens. My mom served this over rice instead of biscuits.

In other news, I am reading Michael Horton's Putting Amazing Back into Grace. It has been on my to-read list for over a year, so I am stealing my husband's copy to read during my lunch break at work. If you haven't read it, I highly, highly recommend it. It is a great, thoughtful introduction to the basics of Reformed theology -- what they are, and why they even matter -- and it is just full of the Gospel.

I am also super excited because my girls (Mom and two younger sisters) are coming for a visit this weekend! I even took a day off work to enjoy them for longer!


  1. This sounds AWFUL Emily! You aren't planning to make it anytime soon I hope...but then again, my parents had a similar cheap canned tuna recipe that wasn't bad, but wasn't very good either.

  2. I've heard about your canned tuna recipe, my dear.

  3. Um...I actually liked the cream tuna dish...oh, the comment...the book you mention was my first intro to Horton some years ago, and I agree with your take. I recommend listening to his "white horse inn" radio show and internet site as well. I think he's going to be a significant voice and thinker for the Church in this next generation! And I love my EM!! Hope you have fun with your girls...and you'll love their new look too! Dad

  4. I love comments from my Dad! :D I wish that you and the guys could come up too ... maybe sometime in the summer when D is out of school??

    I will def. check out the white horse inn.

    Love you!


Should this cake happen?